At Avatar Honey, we go to great lengths to get into very dense manuka forests so we can greatly improve our chances of harvesting the highest quality honey. We understand many people would have no idea what a manuka honey forest is or maybe even what manuka honey is. So today we hope to explain a little bit about what goes on.
First, it's good to understand a little bit about bees :). Bees fly within about a 2km foraging radius from their hives. From this we know its best to get our hives in the middle of a 2km radius of manuka blossom. Believe me, this is much easier said than done. But with the help of 4x4 trucks, quad bikes and helicopters, we are able to scout out the best spots in the mountains then prepare our hive location plan. Hives must be looked after loved and cared for all year around to ensure they are overflowing with bees come the nectar flow. Come late Spring we are keeping an eye on the manuka flower. How the young flower buds are looking on the manuka trees. When it looks like it is just about to flower, its action time and we all spend weeks of exhausting days placing hives.
Now moving thousands of hives quickly definitely takes some pre-planning as this is our most important part of the year, it must be done smooth and quickly and is all weather dependent (so its all go or its all off) and can be decided as late as the crack of dawn depending on the wind in the valleys for the helicopters to take out the hives to the best manuka locations inside these forests and hillsides of thousands of acres.
All to bring you a pure manuka honey,… ideally a truly monofloral manuka honey, meaning the bees gather the nectar only from the manuka flower. This is the goal for our expert bee keepers.
Avatar Manuka Honey is rich and strong but delicious. It’s completely different to every other honey on the market today. The reason we go to so much effort to make a monofloral manuka honey is not for its rich flavor, it’s because science is discovering more about the thousands of natural chemicals found in the manuka honey and its success, used in medical, nutraceutical and cosmetic applications.
Science can prove its superior antimicrobial properties are superior to other honeys backed by the thousands of anecdotal positive reviews that keep pouring in, shared by real people worldwide who are using manuka honey for so many different reasons.
If you have never tried it before, your will find it very different to any other honey you have ever tired. Many times we have heard the words “Oh so this is what real honey tastes like” and seen that Avatar honey smile.
Avatar Manuka Honey is one of the most remote manuka honeys in New Zealand.
If your after a true taste of New Zealand, try our honey.
Check out our online store here to find out which Manuka Honey you would like to try.
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